Each year, approximately 200 volunteers commit to a litter cleanup for 3 hours, collecting
3,000 to 6,000 pounds of debris from the community.
Keep Carbondale Beautiful’s
Annual Spring Cleanup
Saturday, April 22, 2023 | 9am-12pm |
Meet @ Turley Park - 1010 N. Glenview Drive (off of W. Main St.)
Pre-Registration deadline extended through Friday, April 21st!
T-shirts and snacks are provided for the day. Find the pre-registration form HERE or Contact Keep Carbondale Beautiful at [email protected] Please provide: Name of Group Contact Person Phone # Number Attending Does your group have transportation? Yes/No (If not, we will assign you a route that is walkable from Turley Park) |
Spring Cleanup
2014 shirts
As part of Keep America Beautiful’s Great American Cleanup, the Spring Cleanup is a community-wide litter cleanup. We invite you to join us! Please keep in mind the following:
- Wear closed-toe shoes.
- Please bring your own water bottle and re-fill from our water cooler.
- Pre-registration is not required, but if recommended for groups. Get the form HERE.
- Adopt-A-Spot groups may do their regular cleanup on this day.
- T-shirts & snacks provided, while supplies last.
- Prize Giveaway!
BEFOREHAND - Pre-registration helps us get ready. Send us the info requested on the pre-registration form. We'd especially like to know how many people will be in a group (best estimate).
THE DAY OF - The first step is check in! If you are part of a large group, just have a couple people walk up to the registration table. They can pick up the waiver form and get that filled out.
EVERYONE will go through an orientation so you know what to do.
If you come across discarded electronics (see list below), you need to keep that separate from the other trash. Bring those back to Turley Park. At orientation, you will also register for prizes! We will have grab-and-go snacks available at registration, as well as after you return, while supplies last.
Next you'll get supplies - we'll provide orange garbage bags, gloves, trash grabbers, and safety vests.
Then - You'll receive your assignment - that is, the location in town for you to clean up.
You'll go to your assigned spot and pick up the litter. Leave the filled trash bags at the locations indicated on the map. If you leave them in another place, text location to 618 525 5525. The City truck will come and collect the bags. Most groups work until around 11 ... no later than 12.
Come back! Return your trash grabbers and get your free t-shirt. At 11:30 we'll announce door prizes (so hang on to the ticket you get at orientation).
ALL SIU STUDENTS If you would like volunteer hours recognized by SIU, download SIU's individual volunteer form or the group volunteer form. Get that filled out and we'll sign it at the end of the cleanup.
Take note! City workers are prohibited from knowingly handling electronics. That's why you need to bring the following items back to Turley Park yourself. We'll make sure they get to Southern Recycling.
- Computers (desktop, laptop, tablet)
- Cell phones
- Monitors (CRT + flat screen)
- Printers + scanners
- Fax machines
- Keyboards + mice
- Televisions
- Cable + satellite receivers
- Portable digital music players
- VCR + DVD players
- Video game players
- Small-scale servers
- Cords + cables