Keep Carbondale Beautiful's Fall Native Tree & Shrub Sale
October 5th, 2024 Town Square Pavilion
8:30 am to 2:00 pm
Please join us for our Fall 2024 Native Tree & Shrub Sale! As a fundraiser for Keep Carbondale Beautiful, the money from your purchase goes straight back to the community by helping to fund our programs such as Adopt-A-Spot, Spring Cleanup, and Read for the Environment. Your purchase also helps us to provide supplies for litter pickups!
![]() Day-of Sale Prices: Native Trees $40 Native Shrubs $35 Pre-ordered trees will be discounted $5 each. Does not apply to shrubs. Our trees and shrubs are grown by Forrest Keeling Nursery in Elsberry, Missouri, and from Tabor Wholesale Nursery here in Carbondale, Illinois. Grown in 3 gallon containers, most trees are 4-6 ft. high, depending on species.
While some of our trees and shrubs are sourced from Missouri, we have taken special care to ensure that all the species we sell at this sale are native to our region of Southern Illinois. |
How to order:
Email [email protected] Include your name, phone number, email address, and the names, sizes, and quantities of items you would like to order. *Trees and Shrubs can be preordered through midnight Saturday, September 28th.* Please note that orders are first-come, first-served at the nurseries. This means we cannot guarantee fulfillment of all requests. We will submit customer orders to the nurseries when we receive them, and we will do our best to notify you if they are unable to fulfill the order. You will NOT be billed until you pick up your orders in person at the sale.
If you are curious about these or other species, check out the Illinois Plants Database or Missouri Botanical Gardens' Plant Finder
All sales are final. Customers are responsible for determining the care and conditions needed for trees and shrubs to thrive. Due to the variability of growing conditions and care provided, we will NOT issue refunds for trees and shrubs after the sale.
Available native trees and shrubs for
Fall 2024 pre-orders:
Please note that these are the varieties available for pre-order only.
Our in-person selection at the sale on 10/5/24 will include some, but not all of these options.
Our in-person sale will offer 3 gallon size only.
***Only pre-ordered trees will be discounted $5 each (does not apply to shrubs)***
For more information on some species, click the link on the species' name
Our in-person selection at the sale on 10/5/24 will include some, but not all of these options.
Our in-person sale will offer 3 gallon size only.
***Only pre-ordered trees will be discounted $5 each (does not apply to shrubs)***
For more information on some species, click the link on the species' name
Trees from Tabor Wholesale Nursery
Acer rubrum - Red maple (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Aesculus glabra - Ohio buckeye 3 gallon - $40 Aesculus pavia - Red buckeye 3 gallon - $40 Carya aquatica - Water Hickory 3 gallon - $40 Carya illinoisensis - Pecan 3 gallon - $40 Carya laciniosa - Shellbark hickory 3 gallon - $40 Cercis canadensis - Eastern Redbud 3 gallon - $40 Cotinus obovatus - American Smoketree (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Diospyros virginiana - Common persimmon 3 gallon - $40 Gymnocladus dioicus - Kentucky coffee tree 3 gallon - $40 Juglans nigra - Black walnut 3 gallon - $40 Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip tree/tulip poplar/yellow poplar 3 gallon - $40 Nyssa sylvatica - Black gum 3 gallon - $40 Platanus occidentalis - Sycamore 3 gallon - $40 Prunus serotina - Black cherry 3 gallon - $40 Quercus alba - White Oak 3 gallon - $40 Quercus bicolor - Swamp White Oak 3 gallon - $40 Quercus lyrata - Overcup oak 3 gallon - $40 Quercus muehlenbergii - Chinkapin oak (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Quercus pagoda - Cherrybark Oak 3 gallon - $40 Quercus shumardii - Shumard Oak 3 gallon - $40 Salix babylonica - Weeping Willow (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Taxodium distichum - Bald cypress 3 gallon - $40 Thuja occidentalis - American Arborvitae 3 gallon - $40 Trees from Forrest Keeling Nursery
Acer saccharinum - Sugar maple 3 gallon - $40 Asimina triloba - Pawpaw 3 gallon - $40 Carpinus caroliniana - American hornbeam 3 gallon - $40 Carya ovata - Shagbark hickory 3 gallon - $40 Celtis laevigata - Sugarberry 3 gallon - $40 Celtis occidentalis - Common hackberry 3 gallon - $40 Cladrastis kentukea/lutea - Yellowood 3 gallon - $40 Cornus alternifolia - Alternate-leaf dogwood/Pagoda dogwood (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Cornus florida - Flowering Dogwood (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Crataegus phaenopyrum - Washington hawthorn 3 gallon - $40 Fagus grandifolia - American beech (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Gymnocladus dioicus - Kentucky coffee tree 3 gallon - $40 Halesia carolina - Carolina silverbell (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Juglans cinerea - Butternut 3 gallon - $40 Liquidambar styraciflua - Sweetgum 3 gallon - $40 Maclura pomifera - Osage orange (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Magnolia acuminata - Cucumber tree 3 gallon - $40 Nyssa sylvatica - Black tupelo 3 gallon - $40 Ostrya virginiana - Americn hophornbeam 3 gallon - $40 Populus deltoides - Eastern cottonwood (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Ptelea trifoliata - Common hoptree 3 gallon - $40 Quercus bicolor - Swamp white oak 3 gallon - $40 Quercus coccinea - Scarlet oak 3 gallon - $40 Quercus ellipsoidalis - Northern pin oak (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Quercus falcata - Southern red oak 3 gallon - $40 Quercus macrocarpa - Bur oak 3 gallon - $40 Quercus michauxii - Swamp chestnut oak 3 gallon - $40 Quercus montana (prinus) - Chestnut oak 3 gallon - $40 Quercus palustris - Pin oak 3 gallon - $40 Quercus phellos - Willow oak 3 gallon - $40 Quercus prinoides - Dwarf chinkapin oak (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Quercus rubra - Northern red oak 3 gallon - $40 Quercus texana - Nuttall oak/Texas red oak 3 gallon - $40 Quercus velutina - Black Oak 3 gallon - $40 Staphylea trifoliata - American bladdernut (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Tilia americana - American linden/American basswood (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Ulmus americana - American elm (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) |
Shrubs from Tabor Wholesale Nursery
Cephalanthus occidentalis - Buttonbush 3 gallon - $35 Corylus americana - American Hazelnut 3 gallon - $35 Euonymus atropurpureus - American Wahoo 3 gallon - $35 Sambucus canadensis - American black elderberry 3 gallon - $35 Physocarpus opulifolius - Common ninebark 3 gallon - $35 (Shrubs from Forrest Keeling Nursery
Amelanchier canadensis - Thicket serviceberry) 3 gallon - $35 Amorpha fruticosa - Indigo-bush (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Aronia melanocarpa - Black chokeberry 3 gallon - $35 Callicarpa americana - Beautyberry 3 gallon - $35 Calycanthus floridus - Eastern sweetshrub (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Ceanothus americanus - New Jersey tea (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Cornus amomum - Silky dogwood 3 gallon - $35 Cornus drummondii - Roughleaf dogwood 3 gallon - $35 Cornus foemina - Swamp/Stiff dogwood 3 gallon - $35 Cornus stolonifera (sericea) - Red twig dogwood 3 gallon - $35 Euonymus americanus - American strawberry bush (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Forestiera acuminata - Eastern swamp privet 3 gallon - $35 Hydrangea arborescens - Smooth hydrangea 3 gallon - $35 Hypericum prolificum - Shrubby St. John's wort 3 gallon - $35 Ilex decidua - Swamp holly 3 gallon - $35 Itea virginica - Virginia sweetspire (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Lindera benzoin - Northern spicebush 3 gallon - $35 Prunus angustifolia - Chickasaw plum 3 gallon - $35 Prunus virginiana - Chokecherry 3 gallon - $35 Rhus aromatica - Fragrant sumac (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Rhus copallina - Winged sumac (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Rhus glabra - Smooth sumac (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Ribes americanum - Wild black currant 3 gallon - $35 Rosa carolina - Prairie rose 3 gallon - $35 Rosa palustris - Swamp rose (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Rosa setigera - Illinois rose/Prairie rose (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) Spiraea tomentosa - Steeplebush 3 gallon - $35 Symphoricarpos orbiculatus - Coralberry 3 gallon - $35 Viburnum dentatum - Arrowwood viburnum 3 gallon - $35 Viburnum lentago - Nannyberry 3 gallon - $35 Viburnum rufidulum - Rusty blackhaw viburnum (NOT AVAILABLE THIS YEAR) |
The following are examples of some of the species we've sold in the past. This is not a reflection of the inventory at the current sale. For additional information about the species available for pre-order in the current sale, please click on the name of the species you're interested in on the list above.
Acer saccharum![]() Sugar Maple is a large shade tree with excellent form. Famous for it prized syrup, Sugar Maples offer fabulous fall color in shades of bright yellow, orange or red. Sugar Maple grows in a variety of soil types but prefers a rich, well-drained soil.
Asimina triloba![]() Pawpaw is a multi-stemmed shrub or small tree is a great plant for attracting all kinds of wildlife. Pawpaw's yellowish fruit is relished by many birds and small mammals. Pawpaw spreads slowly to form small colonies or thickets, providing good cover for a variety of wildlife. Requires cross pollination from another unrelated paw paw tree.
Betula nigra![]() River Birch is a slow-growing, medium-sized tree with beautiful, exfoliating, reddish-brown to silvery-gray bark. Grow as single trunk or as a multi-stemmed tree. Fall leaf color is yellow.
![]() Carpinus caroliniana
American Hornbeam is a handsome small- to medium-sized tree with multiple stems that forms wide, horizontal canopy. Good fall color. Beautiful thin, blue-gray bark is ornamental.
Carya illinoinensis
![]() Pecan The largest member of the hickory family (with the sweetest nuts!). Prefers rich, moist soils. Tall straight trunk with symmetrical, broadly oval crown. Height: 70-100 feet.
Carya ovata
![]() Shagbark Hickory is a large tree of great character. Highly adaptable species for landscape use. The gray to brown bark peels off in thin sections. Shagbark Hickory's fall color is rich yellow and golden brown tones. Produces large, edible hickory nuts.
Celtis occidentalis![]() Hackberry is a reliable, fast-growing, all-purpose shade tree. Hackberry's pyramidal shape when young then develops a broad crown with ascending branches. The leaves are medium green. Fall foliage is a soft yellow. Birds and wildlife relish the small, fleshy fall fruit.
Cercis canadensis![]() Eastern Redbud is the native favorite and harbinger of spring that explodes with rosy pink flowers in April. Native Eastern Redbud does well in sun to dappled shade. Adapts to any average garden soil.
Chionanthus virginicus![]() Fringetree Shimmering, white fringed flowers cover Fringetree in May or June followed by small, round fall fruit on female trees. Fringetree leaves often turn bright yellow in fall. Grow in part sun to shade as a small tree or shrub. Beautiful as a single specimen or planted in groups.
Cladastris kentukea/lutea
![]() Yellowwood is an excellent, medium-sized specimen tree, with light green compound leaves turning gold in fall. Spectacular panicles of fragrant, creamy-white spring flowers. Yellowwood bark is very smooth and gray. This is an underused, beautiful native tree.
Cornus alternifolia
![]() Pagoda Dogwood has flat-topped clusters of fragrant, white spring flowers followed by blue-black berries on red stems. Spreading, low-branched tree with horizontal habit and burgundy fall foliage. Good alternative to cold-sensitive Flowering Dogwood in northern climates.
Cornus florida![]() Native Flowering Dogwood has distinctive white spring flowers on horizontal branches. Clusters of glossy red fruit in fall persist into winter and are relished by birds. Consistent deep red fall leaf color. Flowering Dogwood is best grown as an understory tree or in an area with some shade.
Diospyros virginiana![]() Persimmon Commonly seen along fencerows, roadsides and field edges, Persimmon is a slow-growing tree that produces small, bell-shaped flowers in spring. After frost, mature persimmon fruits turn orange and taste similar to an apricot. Persimmon fruits are a valuable food source to wildlife.
Gymnocladus dioicus![]() Native Kentucky Coffeetree adapts to wide variety of sites. Upright crown and heavy branching.
Halesia carolina![]() Carolina Silverbell is a small native tree with white, bell-shaped spring flowers. Full sun or partial shade.
Juglans nigra *![]() *Black Walnut* Not a great urban tree - it poisons its neighbors and produces litter which stains. BUT if you have enough land, it is disease-resistant and makes beautiful wood.
Liriodendron tulipifera![]() Tulip Poplar - a stately tree. Pyramidal when young, rounded when mature. Leaves turn golden yellow in fall. Tulip-shaped summer flowers followed by interesting fruit. Height: 70-90 feet.
Magnolia acuminata![]() Cucumber Tree the largest of the Magnolias, the Cucumber Tree is an excellent shade tree. ... has coarse textured leaves with greenish white fragrant flowers. Height: 50-80 feet.
Nyssa sylvatica
![]() Black Gum rivals anything for fall color with spectrum of glowing shades. Fruit is favored by many birds. This is not a sweetgum tree.
Platanus occidentalis![]() Sycamore Thrives on nearly any site; develops a massive trunk with an open wide-spreading crown and has leaves that can grow to nine inches in width. In winter, Sycamore's characteristic large patches of creamy white inner bark are prominent making it a winter landscape standout. Height: 75-100 feet
Quercus alba
![]() White Oak a large, majestic, and long-lived oak that holds year long interest. Our state tree in Illinois. Round-lobed leaves and smooth, medium-sized acorns. Height: 45-50 feet; can be as wide as it is tall.
Quercus bicolor![]() *Swamp White Oak* is a large tree with broad crown. Leaves turn varied shades in fall from bronze to red.
Quercus macrocarpa![]() Bur Oak has the largest acorns and leaves of all the oaks. Slow-growing and long-lived, it has a magnificent form in old age. Brown fall foliage persists all winter. Height: 50-60 feet.
Quercus shumardii![]() *Shumard Oak* is a huge, bottomland tree considered the southern counterpart to the Northern Red Oak. In fall, it shows good red color and is one of the first of the season to change.
![]() Quercus phellos
Willow Oak has foliage shaped like beefy willow leaves that turn yellow to russet red in fall. Typically found in moist bottomland soils but adapts to a wide range of soil conditions including clays with somewhat poor drainage. Generally tolerant of urban pollution. A 2005 Missouri Botanical Garden Plants of Merit winner. Height 30-40' Quercus texana
![]() *Nuttall Oak* offers richer red fall color, better branching structure, and higher transplant survival than other oaks.
Taxodium distichum
![]() Bald Cypress Bald Cypress is a deciduous conifer, with medium-fine, needle-like leave that are soft-textured and light green in summer but turn rusty brown in winter before they drop. Great choice for compacted, urban sites where soil oxygen is low. Height: 50-70 ft.; Full sun; does very well in wet sites
Tilia americana
![]() American Basswood (aka Linden) American Basswood (or Linden) is a stately tree with fragrant, yellow, spring flowers. Its high-quality nectar attracts bees and other pollinators. Fall foliage is deep yellow.
Height: 60-75 ft. Full sun |